Due to to the unique requirements each facility will have all consults will start with either a phone call or email exchange, after this a small questionnaire is sent out including the terms, the small questionnaire is used to make some calculations into the amount of work that may be required to perform the required service. The long questionnaire is more comprehensive and bespoke to the collection/facility, this is done to reduce the amount of time used to gather data for the required job even if being done remotely.
Prior to the composure of the larger questionnaire there is a fee starting at £50 due to the amount of time taken to compose this bespoke document and it being vital for the subsequent work to follow.
All consults are summarized with a report including findings and recommendations.
All of our consultancy is bespoke to the facility and due to size of style of exhibits requiring differing types and amounts of equipment and time, simply contact us for further information.
Zoo licensing is becoming appropriately more legislative and strict, Animal collections should be using the wild as their baseline for animal welfare and habitats.
Many husbandry guidelines that are followed are based on "what works" not the wild, where the species evolved.
We are some of the only people in the world that research environmental parameter's in the home ranges to influence welfare changes.
Many collections are housing animals with different visual acuity in unsuitable lighting without realizing, the result being the animal potentially living under "strobe lighting".
Due to the variation in set up and style of exhibits prices are calculated after filling out a questionnaire, for example a reptile vivarium is far easier to completely parameter audit compared to the size of a Small Primate enclosure.
Hourly rates, whole project quotes or day rate are all available options. Please take into consideration every light in an enclosure/exhibit may require checking along with multiple data points for heat/humidity/decibel/thermal imaging.
Our basic parameters kit can also be hired and sent via courier, virtual training will be done with a point of contact staff member, and they will be taught how to carefully use our equipment and collect some of the data. Upon return we will generate reports, assessments and recommendations.
This service is calculated for an agreed number of exhibits and a bespoke timescale plan is created.
This will only be viable for some basic parameters and this service is limited in availability.
Thermal imaging is fantastic for testing the efficiency of heat retention of exhibits/enclosures but also for mapping out the different thermal zones inside an exhibit.
We can help you plan exhibits for new or current species that are having enclosure upgrades, although the team have worked with a large range of taxa, we are highly specialized in Small Mammal species such as:
Having run and redeveloped "Reptile houses" the team are also experienced with:
Even if we are not taxa specific, we can plan and evidence environmental factors and designs for multiple species thanks to our in-situ research and large network of experts.
Planning Nocturnal houses/exhibits can be especially challenging and the use of Red/Blue lighting and the lack of understanding around how nocturnal vision works. We can teach your facility about how this works in specialized workshops/ on site or virtually and help guide you towards more welfare friendly decisions.
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