Steve Goodwin
Is the Director/founder of Novu Earth, an organisation that specialises in training opportunities for wildlife professionals and enthusiasts at all levels. He has worked in Zoos for around 20 years, with a huge variety of species but has always shown a huge passion for New-world mammals.
Steve describes himself as a natural problem solver and dives headfirst into addressing the many knowledge gaps and issues with housing captive species.
His passion for this led to him funding his own research project to start work on addressing environmental parameters for New-world mammals, which is awaiting publication.
Steve has presented at:
Eaza training academy
Biaza animal training workshop
Callitrichid Husbandry workshops
Pax Workshops
Nocturnal Mammal workshop
and with Kelly-Anne planned, organized and presented the first ever International Sloth Symposium.
Priscilla Mills
Is Novu Earth's main research partner for the Environmental Parameters research. Priscilla came on board with the project and helped shape the planned research into something very special.
Priscillas background is in Zookeeping and husbandry but has a real passion for ex-situ welfare, over the last several years Priscilla has worked in various UK zoos and taken part in local and international conservation efforts. Along with our research into environmental parameters.
Whilst undertaking her Zoo management degree she also made time to volunteer in zoos and on various projects. Priscilla is focusing her efforts currently on different approaches to improving welfare for animals in human care.
Priscilla is currently working on multiple publications for 2023.
Kelly-Anne is a specialist small mammal keeper with around 20 years’ experience in a range of animal husbandry roles at UK collections. She has a particular interest in PAX species and had the privilege of hand rearing a Linnes two toed sloth in 2016, a Sunda Pangolin in 2017, and a southern three banded armadillo in 2020.
Kelly-Anne has provided assistance to many collections around the world with hand rearing sloths and is a member of the Sloth SoS team.
In 2019, she authored a paper ‘Hand rearing of a two toed sloth at ZSL London Zoo’, which was published in International Zoo Yearbook. Kelly-Anne was a lead event planner and host for the 2016 P.A.X. Symposium and workshop and also for the 2020 Virtual PAX conference and workshop.
Kelly-Anne has a passion for specialist CPD for Zookeepers and has provided workshops, conferences and symposiums for hundreds of delegates in the last 5 years.
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